If you’re new to SpursDynasty.com, welcome. In case you missed them, here are the most popular stories from the 2009-2010 regular season. The titles tell you something about the tastes of our readers, I suppose.

10. Some Teams Play Bad Defense, Some Teams Play No Defense…And Some Teams Are The Golden State Warriors (Mar 20)

9. Don’t Look Now, But We Don’t Suck Anymore (Apr 4)

8. Take These Broken Wings (Mar 7)

7. I Really Feel Like I’ve Missed Out on a Cultural Watershed By Not Watching “Jersey Shore” (Jan 10)

6. For His Next Trick, Manu Will Turn Water Into Wine (Apr 2)

5. This Year’s Love Had Better Last (Jan 1)

4. Waiting To Derail (Mar 1)

3. I Love Those High Flyin’ Spurs (Mar 13)

2. Hey, I Wonder What This Shiny Red Button Labeled “Panic” Does (Nov 20)

1. The Curse of Drew Gooden (Nov 18)

Honorable Mention:

Hill Tries to Steal Parker’s Wife; Instead, Steals His Game (Jan 29)

Go Ahead, Pop, Mess With Their Heads (Feb 17)

The Best The Spurs Can Do (Feb 16)

Plantar Fasciitis Sucks Balls (Jan 14)